Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow!

Hey Guys,
Well tomorrow, I am going back to America. Mom, Dad, Nat, and me, have been packing. I started with a lot of things; now I have very little.
I am really happy for my cousin; she graduated.
I think that when I get home I will, go onto my bed, and go to sleep. Because, I will probably have jetlag, from Israel. Let's hope not!
Roni is sleeping right next to me. He is so cute. I can't wait for my friends to see him.
Right now, Nat is at Eitom's (his friend) kibbutz; Sdot Yam. I am also listening to Who Let The Dogs Out! That's one of my favorite songs.
I just want to say that I am getting really excited, to go home.
This picture is of me in one of my favorite dresses. With Roni.
With Love,

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Sorry I didn't write in a long time. I've been touring Petra. Petra is in Jordan. It was really fun. We first crossed the border, then we met our driver. He took us through the Wadi Rum. That's just plain sand, and mountains. It was so hot. Then he took us to our hotel, it was beautiful. We stayed in a room, that room looked like a cave. I slept on the couch.
In the morning we went to a place where you can climb the Monastery, that's 1,500 steps! I took a donkey. In the start to get to the Treasury, we took horses. Then we took camels to get to the Monastery. Then donkeys! At the top we saw an amazing view. It was really fun!
I can't wait until June 30th. When I go home I can't wait. I have another sleepover on the last day of school.