Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy (Early) Mothers' Day

Today I gave Mom a pot with paper weights in it. And I gave her a note, with a poem:
You're the best,
I'll put you to the test.
The way you read to me,
I feel like a honey bee.
I love you.

I didn't sleep well last night, I had a bad headache. My brother had a sleepover, and his friend said, 'Why is your sister up at 2:00 A.M.?' I had a wet towel on my eye. I think it was because, I had a play date, and Katie and I used glitter on our art projects, so some must have got into my eye. Well my Mom saved me, with contact solution, I put some in my eye, then I slept 'till 8:30. That reminds me of a funny story that happened at school: We had to make projects for reading, so my partner Do Yup, and I wrote by accident, #3 Eye Contacts!
But we changed it.
We also gave Roni a bath, he is getting so big. I don't think he likes the bath at all, we washed the car, too! When we gave Roni a bath we got all wet. Love, Sammy

P.S. This picture is going to be on Annie's Mac and Cheese!!! Dad brought home a lot.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey. Don't have such a good time that you won't want to come home!!!!! Think about us. Think about me!!!!!BOOOOOHOOOOOO love granny